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Leica HxMap v4



Dabei seit
6 März 2023
Leica HxMap v4.4.0

Englisch // Crack // 64-Bit



HxMap ist eine leistungsstarke Multisensor-Workflow-Plattform, die einen schnellen, intuitiven und effizienten Nachbearbeitungs-Workflow bietet. Es wird verwendet, um Geodatenprodukte innerhalb einer einzigen Schnittstelle zu erstellen. Es stellt Produktionswerkzeuge zur Verfügung, die Rohflugdatensätze bis hin zu lieferbaren Produkten führen, die Radiometrie und Geometrie entlang des Prozesses verfeinern.

Über das Konzept der aufgabenorientierten Ansichten (Perspektiven) innerhalb eines zentralen Hauptfensters wird der Benutzer durch die verfügbaren Workflow-Schritte geführt. Von HxMap erstellte Ausgaben sind entweder bildbasierte oder punktbasierte Produkte, die von GIS-Anwendungen von Drittanbietern verwendet werden können.


Größe: 1.49 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/EXE (1x gepackt)
Plattform: Windows 8.1/10/11 (64-bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Katfile

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Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Leica HxMap v4.4.0 (x64)


Medizin inklusive/Crack
Medicine included/crack
Size: 1.58 GB
Languages: English
Compatibility: Windows 8, 10, 11 [64-bits]
HxMap is a high-performance multi-sensor workflow platform that provides a fast, intuitive, and efficient post-processing workflow. It is used to produce geospatial data products within one single interface. It provides production tools that take raw flight datasets all the way through deliverable products refining radiometry and geometry along the process.

The user is guided through available workflow steps via the concept of task-oriented views (perspectives) within one central main window. Outputs created by HxMap are either image based or point based products that can be consumed by third party GIS applications.

HxMap focuses on the download, quality control of flight sessions and product generation of data acquired with the following Hexagon sensors

-Leica RCD30 (Nadir and Oblique) (1)
-Leica DMC III
-Leica ContentMapper
-Leica CityMapper and CityMapper-2
-Leica TerrainMapper and TerrainMapper-2
-Leica SPL100 (Single Photon LiDAR)
-Leica ALS80-HP and ALS80-UP

Saving you time and costs
-You and your staff only need to be proficient in one simple user interface to produce any known airborne data product. Don’t waste time moving your data from one software to the other, but benefit from one end-to-end workflow.

Unprecedented data throughput
-Take advantage of the industry’s fastest data throughput and process any amount of data more efficiently in one single post-processing interface.

Easily adaptable to your needs
-Create your personal post-processing workflow with one flexible and modular platform that can be customised to your specific application needs by adding software licenses only once you need them.

The Leica HxMap common sensor post-processing platform offers the following modules to meet your needs
-HxMap Enabler: Enabler
-HxMap Provider: Ingest, Raw QC, Workflow Manager, Point Cloud Generator, Projection Engine
-HxMap Core Image: APM, Aerial Triangulation, Infocloud, Ortho Generator
-HxMap Core LiDAR: AutoCalibration, Registration, Colour Encoding, Data Metrics, LiDAR QC
-HxMap 3D Modeller: City Modeller, Texture Mapper, 3D Editor, Building Finder


Nitroflare / Rapidgator



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