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macOS Sonoma v14



Dabei seit
6 März 2023
macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 (23G93)



Mit macOS Version 14, genannt macOS Sonoma, fügt Apple eine Vielzahl toller neuer Funktionen wie Desktop-Widgets, neue Videokonferenzfunktionen, Spielemodus, neue Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsfunktionen und vieles mehr hinzu. Wenn Ihr Mac jedoch älter als fünf Jahre ist, können Sie ihn wahrscheinlich nicht einmal ausführen.

Kann auf meinem Mac macOS Sonoma ausgeführt werden?
Dies sind die Macs, auf denen Sie macOS Sonoma ausführen können.
iMac ab 2019 und neuer
Mac Pro ab 2019 und neuer
iMac Pro von 2017
Mac Studio ab 2022 und neuer
MacBook Air ab 2018 und neuer
Mac mini ab 2018 und neuer
MacBook Pro ab 2018 und neuer


Größe: 12.70 GB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/DMG
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Katfile|Turbobit

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macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 (23G93) Multilingual


Medizin inklusive/Crack
Medicine included/crack
Size: 12.7 GB
Languages: Multilanguage, English, German.............................

macOS SonomamacOS Sonoma Come for the power.Stay for the fun. With macOS Sonoma, work and play on your Mac are even more powerful. Elevate your presence on video calls. Access information in all-new ways. Boost gaming performance. And discover even more ways to personalize your Mac.

Screen Savers

Stunning new screen savers
New slow-motion screen savers of breathtaking locations from around the world look beautiful on your large Mac display. When you log in, they seamlessly become your desktop wallpaper.

Widgets on Desktop

Add widgets to your desktop
Place widgets on your desktop from the new widget gallery. And you can now play a podcast, turn off the lights, and more — right from a widget.

Access iPhone widgets on Mac
With Continuity, you can add your iPhone widgets to your desktop without having to install the corresponding apps on your Mac.

Widgets fade for better focus
When you open an app or window or use Stage Manager, widgets fade into the background so you can concentrate on the task at hand. Switch your wallpaper and the colors of the widgets instantly adapt.

Video Conferencing

Put yourself front and center
The new Presenter Overlay keeps you part of the conversation when sharing your screen. Choose from two overlays, large and small. The large overlay keeps the spotlight on you, with your screen framed next to you on a separate layer. You can move, walk, and talk in front of your content.1

Float over your shared screen
Use the small overlay to appear in a movable bubble over your shared screen, so it’s easy to be seen while showcasing your work. Move yourself around the screen and point to important details.

React with your hands
Add a reaction that fills the camera frame with fun 3D augmented reality effects like hearts, confetti, fireworks, and more. And you can share a reaction with just a hand gesture.2

New Screen Sharing picker
Easily share an app or even multiple apps when on a video call, right from the window you’re in.

Stay in frame
Control the composition of your video when using Studio Display or iPhone as your camera. Adjust the frame with zoom and pan controls or use Recenter to automatically place yourself in the center of the frame.3

Safari and Passwords

Create a profile
Keep your browsing separate for topics like Work and Personal with different profiles in Safari. Profiles help you separate your history, extensions, Tab Groups, cookies, and favorites. You can quickly switch between profiles as you browse.

Faster and more relevant search
Search in Safari is more responsive than ever and shows easier-to-read and more relevant suggestions.

Use any website like an app.

Enhanced Private Browsing
Private Browsing now locks your private browsing windows when you’re not using them,4 completely blocks known trackers from loading on pages, and removes identifying tracking added to URLs as you browse.


Search filters
Find the message you’re looking for faster by combining search filters to quickly narrow your search.

Catch-up and swipe to reply
A new catch-up arrow* lets you jump to the first message you haven’t seen in a conversation. And now you can swipe to the right on any message to reply.

A new way to share and view locations
Share your location or request a friend’s location from the plus button. When someone shares a location with you, view it directly within your conversation.

All your stickers in one place
The new sticker drawer lets you access your Live Stickers and Memoji all in one place. Your stickers sync with iCloud so they are available on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices.


macOS Sonoma is compatible with these devices

2019 and later

Mac Pro
2019 and later

iMac Pro

Mac Studio
2022 and later

MacBook Air
2018 and later

Mac mini
2018 and later

MacBook Pro
2018 and later





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