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multi Marillion - Out of the box (2016) 4xDVD5



Dabei seit
13 Nov. 2023
Marillion - Out of the box (2016) 4xDVD5

Genre: Neo-Prog Rock
Quality: DVD5
Video: MPEG-2 NTSC / 8800 / 720x480 / 29.970 fps / 16:9
Audio: English / AC3 / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kb/s
Time: 02:00:12+03:47:51+02:17:15
Size: 16.66 GB

DVD1: Waves And Numb3rs - Friday March 20, 2015

1. Between You and Me
2. Quartz
3. Map of the World
4. When I Meet God
5. Fruit of the Wild Rose
6. Separated Out
7. This is the 21st Century
8. If My Heart were a Ball It would Roll Uphill
9. This Strange Engine
10. Gaza
11. Three Minute Boy

DVD2: Marbles In The Park - Saturday March 21, 2015

1. The Invisible Man
2. Marbles I
3. Genie
4. Fantastic Place
5. The Only Unforgivable Thing
6. Marbles II
7. Ocean Cloud
8. Marbles III
9. The Damage
10. Don't Hurt Yourself
11. You're Gone
12. Angelina
13. Drilling Holes
14. Marbles IV
15. Neverland
16. Out of This World
17. King
18. Sounds That Can't Be Made

DVD3 Extras:
1. Marbles projection film
2. The Invisible Man
3. Marbles I Genie
4. Fantastic Place
5. The Only Unforgivable Thing
6. Marbles II
7. Ocean Cloud
8. Marbles III The Damage
9. Don't Hurt Yourself
10. You're Gone
11. Angelina
12. Drilling Holes
13. Marbles IV Neverland
14. 'Unconventional' documentary trailer

DVD4 Singles Night - Sunday March 22, 2015

1. Market Square Heroes
2. Garden Party
3. Kayleigh
4. Lavender
5. Heart of Lothian
6. Warm Wet Circles
7. Sugar Mice
8. Incommunicado
9. Hooks In You
10. The Uninvited Guest
11. No One Can
12. Dry Land
13. Sympathy
14. The Great Escape
15. Alone Again in the Lap of Luxury
16. Beautiful
17. Man of a Thousand Faces
18. 80 Days
19. These Chains
20. See It Like A Baby
21. Thankyou Whoever You Are
22. Whatever is Wrong With You
23. Power
24. Hocus Pocus

via filespayout.com, rapidgator.net, filestore.me



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