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DVD Pink Floyd - Video Anthology Volume 2 Englisch 2011 PCM DVD - Dorian



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28 Feb. 2024
Pink Floyd - Video Anthology Volume 2

MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch PCM/2


Pink Floyd - Video Anthology Volume 2

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Promo Films with David Gilmour
Parc de Laeken and RTB TV Studios, Brussels, Belgium
18-19 February, 1968
Mimed performances of Astronomy Domine, Scarecrow, Corporal Clegg, Paintbox, Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun, See Emily Play and a photo montage of Bike were broadcast in a dedicated Pink Floyd TV special, as part of the Tienerklanken pop music show.
Broadcast on BRT TV on 31 March, 1968.

A mimed performance of Apples and Oranges was broadcast on the RTB pop music program
Vibrato on 27 February, 1968.

Bouton Rouge, ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris
20 February, 1968
Live performances of Astronomy Domine, Flaming, Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun, and Let There Be More Light.
Broadcast on ORTF2 on 25 February, 1968.

Discorama, ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris
21 February, 1968
A mimed performance of Paintbox appeared on the French TV show Discorama.
Broadcast on ORTF2 on 3 March, 1968.

The Sound of Change, BBC Lime Grove Studios, Shepherd’s Bush, London
26 March, 1968
An untitled instrumental was performed live for the magazine program Late Night Line Up subtitled The Sound of Change.
Broadcast on BBC2 TV on 10 September, 1968.

All My Loving, Abbey Mills Pumping Station, East Stratford, London
28 March, 1968
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun was performed live for the BBC Omnibus TV special subtitled All My Loving. This clip features the single-camera dailies which were edited together from various takes creating a full performance of the piece.
Originally broadcast on BBC1 TV on 3 November, 1968 in black and white.
Rebroadcast on BBC2 TV on 18 May, 1969 in color.

Rome Goes Pop, Piper Club, Rome
18 or 19 April, 1968
An abbreviated mimed performance of It Would Be So Nice appeared as part of the Rome Goes Pop TV special.
Broadcast on BBC2 TV on 18 May, 1968.

1st European International Pop Festival, Palazzo Dello Sport, Rome
6 May, 1968
A live performance of Interstellar Overdrive.
Broadcast on German ARD TV. Program and broadcast date are unknown.

Kastival 1968, Kastival ’68 Festival, Kasterlee, Belgium
31 August, 1968
An interview with Roger Waters and a live performance of Astronomy Domine were filmed by BRT TV, Belgium and broadcast as part of a 30-minute Kastival 1968 TV special on the Tienerklanken pop music show.
Broadcast on 8 October, 1968.

Samedi et Compagnie, ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris
6 September, 1968
Mimed performances of Let There Be More Light and Remember a Day were featured on the music program Samedi et Compagnie.
Broadcast on ORTF1 on 21 September, 1968.

Surprise Partie, Le Bilboquet, St. Germain des Pres, Paris
7 September, 1968
A live performance of Let There Be More Light was included on the 4-hour TV special Surprise Partie.
Broadcast on ORTF2 on 31 December, 1968.

Tous en Scene, L’Antenne du Chapiteau du Kremlin-Bicetre, Paris
31 October, 1968
Let There Be More Light and Flaming were performed live for the music program Tous en Scene.
Broadcast on ORTF2 on 26 November, 1968.

Point Me at the Sky, Promo Film
November, 1968
This promotional film of Point Me at the Sky featured David Gilmour and Nick Mason piloting Gypsy Moth biplanes flying over the English countryside. Publicity photos of the band members wearing aviator clothing were taken at Biggin Hill Aerodome in November and it is assumed that this promotion film was made around this time.

Bonus Clip
Let There Be More Light, Promo Film
September, 1968
A video of the band on a London Tube train accompanied an abbreviated version of Let There Be More Light on the French TV show A L’affiche du Monde.
Broadcast on ORTF2 on 12 October, 1968.


Darsteller/actor: Pink Floyd
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch PCM/2
Sprache/Idioma: Englisch

Bildseitenformat/relación de aspecto: 4 : 3
Datenträger/portador de datos: 1 DVD (s) - 5
Studio/Estudio: HRV
Erscheinungsjahr/año de publicación: 2011
Produktionsjahr/ano de produccion: 2011
Laufzeit/Duración: 88 Minuten
Größe/Tamaño ca. 3891 Megabyte in 39 Links
Größe der Parts/tamaño de la pieza: 100 Megabyte


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