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DVD Pink Floyd - Video Anthology Volume 4 Englisch 2011 PCM DVD - Dorian



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28 Feb. 2024
Pink Floyd - Video Anthology Volume 4

MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch PCM/2


Pink Floyd - Video Anthology Volume 4

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Holland Pop Festival ‘70, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
28 June, 1970
Live performances of Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun and A Saucerful Of Secrets were featured in the Cine3/Planet film Stamping Ground.
Directed by Jason Pohland.

ORTF Studios, Buttes Chaumont, Paris
4 & 5 December, 1970
Pink Floyd were reported to be filming a segment for French TV. They performed an untitled instrumental often referred to as Corrosion, an improvisational jam that segued into Embryo. This clip was featured on a Roland Petit Special shown on French TV.
Broadcast on ORTF1 TV on 2 January, 1971.

Musikhalle, Hamburg, West Germany
25 February, 1971
Stadthalle, Offenbach, West Germany
26 February, 1971
Excerpts of a live performances of Atom Heart Mother (Musikhalle) and A Saucerful Of Secrets (Stadthalle) were filmed for the German TV show Aspekte.
Broadcast on the ZDF TV network on 2 March, 1971.

Abbaye de Royaumont, Royaumont, France
15 June, 1971
Live performances of Cymbaline and Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun were filmed for the TV program Cinq Grand Sur La Deux.
Broadcast on ORTF2 on 12 July, 1971.

Hakone Aphrodite ‘71, Hakone, Japan
7 August, 1971
Edited excerpts of a live performance from the Hakone Aphrodite Festival were featured on an unknown Japanese television. A live performance of Atom Heart Mother was overdubbed and used as the audio track for the original broadcast.
This clip features audio of Atom Heart Mother recorded live at the Community Concourse of the San Diego Convention Center on 17 October, 1971.

Randwick Racecourse, Sydney, Australia
15 August, 1971
Excerpts of a live performance of Careful With That Axe Eugene (with overdubbed sound taken from Ummagumma) along with an interview and promotional video for Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun were featured on the local early evening TV show Get To Know.
Broadcast on the ABC TV network on 15 August, 1971.

The Dome, Brighton, England
28 & 29 June, 1972
Live performances of Careful With That Axe Eugene and Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun. Filmed by Peter Whitehead for Peter Clifton’s Sound Of The City (in the UK) and Rock City (in the US). Set The Controls was not released until it debuted in Peter Clifton’s Heart Of The Sun film.

Various Ballet Footage
1972 & 1973
Actualites Mediterranee - Excerpts from The Ballet de Marseille dress rehearsals filmed on 21 November, 1972, Marseille, Salle Valliers, France.
Broadcast on ORTF on 22 November, 1972.

JT Nuit - Excerpts from live performances of The Ballet de Marseille, Marseille, Salle Valliers, France.
Broadcast on ORTF on 26 November, 1972.

Journal de Paris - Rehearsals filmed in Palais des Sports de la Porte de Versailles, Paris, France on
12 January, 1973.
Broadcast on ORTF on 16 January, 1973.

JT Soir - Rehearsals from Palais des Sports de la Porte de Versailles, Paris, France.
Filmed and broadcast on ORTF on 12 January, 1973.

Knebworth Festival, Knebworth Park, Hertfordshire
5 July, 1975
A live performance of Raving & Drooling was filmed by TF1 which was later featured as part of a news segment. The audio features a recording from the Los Angeles Sports Arena on 26 April, 1975.
Broadcast on TF1 on 8 July, 1975.

Bonus Clip
Parc des Expositions Les Arenes, Poitiers, France
29 November, 1972
Pre-show footage, intercut with a few brief live shots and interviews were filmed by a local French TV
crew but was never broadcast.


Darsteller/actor: Pink Floyd
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch PCM/2
Sprache/Idioma: Englisch

Bildseitenformat/relación de aspecto: 4 : 3
Datenträger/portador de datos: 1 DVD (s) - 5
Studio/Estudio: HRV
Erscheinungsjahr/año de publicación: 2011
Produktionsjahr/ano de produccion: 2011
Laufzeit/Duración: 93 Minuten
Größe/Tamaño ca. 3901 Megabyte in 39 Links
Größe der Parts/tamaño de la pieza: 100 Megabyte


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