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QuarkXPress 2024



Dabei seit
16 Nov. 2023

QuarkXPress 2024 v20.0.2.57109 macOS


Medizin inklusive/Crack
Medicine included/crack
Size: 1.54 GB
Languages: Multilanguage, English, German....
Compatibility: Mac macOS 14.x (Sonoma), macOS 13.x (Ventura) and macOS 12.x (Monterey)

Page layout software for print and digital design. Unleash your creativity and maximize productivity with QuarkXPress.

Graphic design and desktop publishing processes were long overdue for innovation and disruption, so enter QuarkXPress. Since its market debut in 1987, thousands of creative professionals have come to depend on its power, speed and reliability for content design – on its own or alongside other graphic design tools. Such functionality as native-object conversion, conditional styles, synchronized content and automatic backups makes workflows dramatically faster to deliver projects as promised, on time and within budget.

Its digital publishing capabilities are unmatched for quickly and easily converting documents into flex websites and other interactive, digital experiences. Brilliant print and digital content design begins with QuarkXPress, the original desktop publishing software for creative professionals.

Page Layout
Produce stunning page layouts for any medium.

Graphics & Illustrations
Refine graphics and illustrations on the digital canvas.

Photo Editing
Correct, enhance and fine-tune images right up to the deadline.

Digital Publishing
Convert print publications to responsive digital layouts, with no HTML-coding skills required.

Long Document Support
The number of pages in a project has been increased from 2,000 to 10,000 in QuarkXPress 2024 to support long document creation. Users can also import long documents up to 10,000 pages from Adobe InDesign in IDML or INDD file

Hunspell Spell Checker Integration
QuarkXPress 2024 now offers the Hunspell spell checking engine in addition to the Dieckmann one. A user can select either of these two spell checking engines from Preferences and see the selected dictionary in the spell check palette.

Convert a Book to an ePub
In QuarkXPress 2024, users can merge all print layout projects and export a Book as a Reflow ePub, while also having the option to generate a Table of Contents for the ePub using either Reflow Article Names or the List.

Nitroflare / Rapidgator


QuarkXPress 2024 v20.0.2.57109 macOS



Seitenlayout-Software für Print- und Digitaldesign. Lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf und maximieren Sie die Produktivität mit QuarkXPress.

Bei Grafikdesign- und Desktop-Publishing-Prozessen waren Innovationen und Umwälzungen längst überfällig. Steigen Sie also in QuarkXPress ein. Seine Funktionen wie native Objektkonvertierung, bedingte Stile, synchronisierte Inhalte und automatische Backups beschleunigen Arbeitsabläufe erheblich, um Projekte wie versprochen, pünktlich und innerhalb des Budgets abzuliefern.

Seine digitalen Veröffentlichungsfunktionen sind unübertroffen und ermöglichen die schnelle und einfache Umwandlung von Dokumenten in flexible Websites und andere interaktive, digitale Erlebnisse. Brillantes Design von Print- und digitalen Inhalten beginnt mit QuarkXPress, der ursprünglichen Desktop-Publishing-Software für Kreativprofis.


Größe: 1.63 GB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/DMG (1x gepackt)
Plattform: macOS 12.0+
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Katfile

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