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QuarkXPress CopyDesk 2023 v19



Dabei seit
16 Nov. 2023

QuarkXPress CopyDesk 2023 v19.1.0.55797 macOS


Medizin inklusive/Crack
Medicine included/crack
Size: 936 MB
Languages: Multilanguage,Dutch, International English, U.S. English, French, German, Swiss-German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
Compatibility: macOS 12.3.1. (Monterey), 11.6.5 (Big Sur) and 10.15.7 (Catalina)

QuarkXPress CopyDesk is content collaboration software that enables copy and image editing without altering an established layout. Once a page design is set, headlines, subheads, copy blocks, photos and graphics can be designated as new or editable components for writers and editors to add or adjust. Text can be amended; images placed, cropped or rotated; and additional copy written to a precise fit. A single workflow for designers and production managers plus writers, editors and subject-matter experts reduces errors and streamlines the publishing process to ensure deadlines are met.

Maintain Design
by enabling only certain components to be edited.

Edit Copy and Images
to fit precise QuarkXPress page layouts.

Improve Collaboration
between design and editorial teams to reduce review cycles.

Meet Deadlines
with a single, automated workflow that makes publishing processes more efficient.

Benefits of QuarkXPress CopyDesk
Enable your design and editorial teams to collaborate, reducing review-approval cycles to streamline your content production and publishing processes. QuarkXPress CopyDesk facilitates copy review, copy editing and basic photo editing while maintaining the integrity of your page designs. With the software, you can

- Develop a single, automated workflow for more efficient content production and publishing processes, eliminating numerous review-approval cycles.
- See an exact representation of the QuarkXPress layout but only enable edits to specific components as designated by the designer/design team.
- Maintain attributes such as style sheets, article geometry, hyphenation and justification
- Edit existing copy, change headlines, insert notes, place photos and make basic photo edits.
- Add headlines, subheads and images plus fit copy precisely to the final QuarkXPress layout.
- View notes, tracked changes and content additions within the context of layouts, improving communication and collaboration among team members.

Automated Workflow
Establish automated processes for accessing, reviewing and editing layouts.

Multiple Views
View content in galley, full screen or WYSIWYG view – or all three simultaneously using split view.

Word-Processor Compatibility
Work with Microsoft Word and other common word processors, all while preserving colors, styles and formatting.

Nitroflare / Rapidgator


QuarkXPress CopyDesk 2023 v19.1.0.55797 macOS



QuarkXPress CopyDesk ist eine Content-Collaboration-Software, die eine Text- und Bildbearbeitung ermöglicht, ohne ein etabliertes Layout zu verändern. Sobald ein Seitendesign festgelegt ist, können Überschriften, Unterüberschriften, Textblöcke, Fotos und Grafiken als neue oder bearbeitbare Komponenten festgelegt werden, die von Autoren und Redakteuren hinzugefügt oder angepasst werden können. Text kann geändert werden; platzierte, zugeschnittene oder gedrehte Bilder; und zusätzliche passgenau geschriebene Kopie. Ein einziger Arbeitsablauf für Designer und Produktionsleiter sowie Autoren, Redakteure und Fachexperten reduziert Fehler und optimiert den Veröffentlichungsprozess, um sicherzustellen, dass Fristen eingehalten werden.


Größe: 950 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/DMG (1x gepackt)
Plattform: macOS 12.0+
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Katfile

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