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SolidCAM 2023



Dabei seit
6 März 2023
SolidCAM 2023 SP3 HF2 for SolidWorks 2018-2024

Multilingual/Deutsch // Crack SSQ // 64-Bit



SolidCAM – Die führende integrierte CAM-Lösung mit der erstaunlichen iMachining-Technologie. Holen Sie sich die erstklassige CAM-Lösung für effiziente und profitable CNC-Programmierung in Ihrem CAD.

Erstaunliche iMachining-Technologie.
SolidCAM bietet den großen Wert der revolutionären und erstaunlichen iMachining-Technologie.
iMachining spart 70 % und mehr an CNC-Bearbeitungszeit
iMachining verlängert die Lebensdauer von Schneidwerkzeugen erheblich
Der einzigartige iMachining Technology Wizard sorgt für optimale Vorschübe und Geschwindigkeiten unter Berücksichtigung von Werkzeugweg, Rohteil, Werkzeugmaterial und Maschinenspezifikationen
iMachining macht Sie und Ihre CNC-Maschinen profitabler und wettbewerbsfähiger als je zuvor. Das patentierte iMachining ist sowohl im Werkzeugweg als auch in der Programmiermethode mit dem patentierten Technologie-Assistenten völlig einzigartig.


Größe: 6.88 GB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE (1x gepackt)
Plattform: Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Katfile|Nitroflare

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SolidCAM 2023 SP3 HF5 Multilingual for SolidWorks 2018-2025 (x64)


Medizin inklusive/Crack
Medicine included/crack
Size: 6.41 GB
Languages: Multilanguage, English, German.....
Compatibility: Windows 10, 11 [64-bits]

SolidCAM is a new generation CAD/CAM system developed by the Israeli company SolidCAM Ltd (Official distributor in Russia – Consistent Software). This system is a comprehensive solution for the automation of metalworking production. Using a wide range of SolidCAM strategies for turning, milling, turning-milling and electrical discharge machining, a technologist can quickly prepare the necessary set of control programs for mechanical processing of a product.

SolidCAM functionality

2.5-axis milling
SolidCAM provides high efficiency and accuracy of 2.5-axis milling of parts. Various strategies for processing such elements as contour, selection (with islands) and groove are supported, as well as various types of hole processing: drilling, countersinking, thread cutting, etc. The system has a wide range of capabilities for 2.5-axis processing of analytical surfaces.

SolidCAM 3-axis milling
offers a wide range of tools that can be effectively used for processing products with complex geometry (dies, press forms) and prismatic parts. A 3D surface or solid model is used as geometry for 3-axis machining. The system supports various types of roughing and finishing strategies, such as raster machining with a specified or automatically determined raster angle, equidistant machining, projection machining, waterline machining, etc.

In addition to the already listed capabilities of 2.5- and 3-coordinate machining, SolidCAM offers tools for identifying and refining areas that were not processed in previous transitions. It is possible to create a database of typical technological processes. Once created, such a parameterized technological process can be repeatedly used in the future, which significantly reduces the time of production preparation, increases the reliability of the developed programs, unifies the style of technological developments, guarantees the use of only optimal machining technologies and ensures the independence of production from the human factor. The absence of cuts is guaranteed by the presence of control and visualization tools for mechanical processing.

Multi-axis machining
SolidCAM offers various tools for creating control programs for multi-axis machining on 4- and 5-axis machining centers. The model is installed in a user-defined machining plane, after which the system automatically calculates all the necessary offset and rotation parameters for the part zero. As a result, the preparatory and final transition time is significantly reduced and the machining accuracy is increased.

Turning and turn-milling processing
SolidCAM has a wide range of functions for automating the creation of control programs for turning and turn-milling processing. SolidCAM supports various types of tools, which allows for efficient longitudinal turning, end trimming, groove processing, etc. In addition, SolidCAM allows for automatic roughing and finishing of complex contours. Support for rotating tools allows for milling and drilling transitions on machining centers.

Electrical Discharge Machining
SolidCAM's set of wire electrical discharge machining strategies enables machining of external and internal contours with constant and variable inclination angles. 4-axis machining is possible. A special algorithm prevents the material from falling. SolidCAM provides the user with the means to control the physical parameters of machining along the entire wire path.

System requirements : pre-installed SolidWorks 2018-2025




all hosters are compatible - alle Hoster sind kompatibel


Zuletzt bearbeitet:

SolidCAM 2023 SP3 HF5 for Solid Edge 2020-2024 (x64) Multilingual


Medizin inklusive/Crack
Medicine included/crack
Size: 7.8 GB
Languages: Multilanguage, English, German......
Compatibility: Windows 10, 11 [64-bits]

SolidCAM is a new generation CAD/CAM system developed by the Israeli firm SolidCAM Ltd (Official distributor in Russia – Consistent Software). This system is a comprehensive solution for the automation of metalworking production. Using a wide range of strategies offered by SolidCAM for turning, milling, turning-milling and electrical discharge machining, a technologist can quickly prepare the necessary set of control programs for machining a product.

Functionality of SolidCAM
2.5-axis milling
SolidCAM provides high efficiency and accuracy of 2.5-axis milling of parts. Various processing strategies are supported for such elements as a contour, a selection (with islands) and a groove, as well as various types of hole processing: drilling, countersinking, threading, etc. The system has a wide range of possibilities for 2.5-coordinate processing of analytical surfaces.
3-axis milling
SolidCAM provides a wide range of tools that can be effectively used for the processing of products with complex geometries (dies, molds) and prismatic parts. The geometry for 3D machining is a 3D surface or solid model. The system supports various types of roughing and finishing strategies, such as raster processing with a specified or automatically determined raster angle, equidistant processing, projection processing, waterline processing, etc.
In addition to the already listed capabilities of 2.5- and 3-coordinate processing, SolidCAM offers tools for identifying and refining areas that have not been processed in previous transitions. It is possible to create a database of typical technological processes. Once created, such a parametrized technological process can be reused in the future, which significantly reduces the production preparation time, increases the reliability of the developed programs, unifies the style of technological development, guarantees the use of only optimal processing technologies and ensures the independence of production from the human factor. The absence of overcuts is guaranteed by the presence of means of control and visualization of machining.
Multi-Axis Machining
SolidCAM offers various tools for creating multi-axis machining programs on 4- and 5-axis machining centers. The model is installed in a user-defined processing plane, after which the system automatically calculates all the necessary displacement and rotation parameters for the part zero. As a result, the preparatory-final transition time is significantly reduced and the processing accuracy is increased.
Turning and turning-milling
SolidCAM has a wide range of functions for automating the creation of control programs for turning and turning-milling. SolidCAM supports various types of tools, which makes it possible to effectively perform longitudinal turning, end facing, grooving, etc. In addition, SolidCAM allows you to automatically rough and finish complex contours. Rotary tool support allows you to perform milling and drilling transitions on machining centers.
The set of wire EDM strategies offered by SolidCAM allows you to process external and internal contours with a constant and variable angle of inclination. The possibility of 4-axis processing is provided. A special algorithm prevents the processed material from falling. SolidCAM provides the user with the means to control the physical parameters of processing along the entire trajectory of the wire.

System requirements
Siemens Solid Edge 2020-2024 pre-installed




all hosters are compatible - alle Hoster sind kompatibel


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