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IRISPowerscan 12



Dabei seit
16 Nov. 2023

IRISPowerscan 12.0.673.0


Medizin inklusive/Crack
Medicine included/crack
Size: 684 MB
Languages: Multilanguage, English, German....
Compatibility: Windows 10, 11 [64-bits]

RISPowerscan™ is a powerful production scanning and document classification solution. It is able to process large volumes of documents coming from any high-speed scanner and MFP (multifunction peripheral). The documents you process with IRISPowerscan™ can be fully indexed, hyper-compressed, converted into a wide range of editable and text-searchable output formats, and sent to any DMS (document management system), ECM (enterprise content management) or Cloud system you might already use. In other words, IRISPowerscan™ turns paper documents into structured knowledge that is easily accessible.

- A modular solution capable of fast scanning and processing of very large volumes of documents, up to 10,000 documents per computer per day
- Wide range of document output formats available simultaneously (PDF, Word...) including PDF/A-1b, ideal for long term archiving
- Hyper-compression: compresses your documents up to 50 times with the same legibility ! Facilitates document sharing and storage
- Fast and accurate classification of documents
- Advanced document type identification based on layout recognition (no separators or barcodes needed)
- Indexing of strategic data (text, numbers, barcodes, etc)
- Easy export to document management systems and business applications (Microsoft® SharePoint®, Therefore™, FTP, etc)
- Develop a connector to your own document management application thanks to an easy-to-use .NET wrapper
- Easy information retrieval: indexing of your documents allows you to easily find what you need using keywords or sections of text content
- Easy to install and to use
- No page limitation
- Interfaces with all types of scanner
- Database lookup: compare and/or match captured indexes with pre-existing databases

Text recognition (OCR)
IRISPowerscan uses the full potential of OCR. With just one click, you copy text to an index field. You can then automate the data extraction anywhere on the page, based on search criteria.

Data extraction
Users can teach the software to locate information with an indexing key in a document, remember its location, and extract the corresponding data in future documents, thereby reducing document processing time and making the indexing phase easier.

Intuitive interface
With IRISPowerscan, you can now create, open, or save your documents with a user-friendly menu. Simple navigation also lets you scan, view, and manage your documents. Finally, you can also use advanced options to customize your projects.

IRISPowerscan ensures connectivity with your files, email, printers, and document management software. Also available: IRISConnect dedicated connectors to SharePoint, Therefore, FTP, ODBC, CMIS, and cloud services (Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, and OneDrive).

Document separation
IRISPowerscan files your documents in no time at all! The software uses a variety of techniques to automatically sort your incoming documents, such as with bar codes, patch codes, OCR/ICR areas, keywords, color detection, regulation expressions, and more.

Bar code recognition
IRISPowerscan guarantees the recognition of more than 60 types of bar codes, regardless of where they appear on the page. The presence of multiple bar codes on a single page is also supported. Bar code content can also be used to rename or separate documents.


Nitroflare / Rapidgator

all hosters are compatible - alle Hoster sind kompatibel


IRISPowerscan 12.0.787.0

Multilingual/Deutsch // Voraktiviert / 64-Bi



IRISPowerscan™ ist eine leistungsstarke Lösung für Produktionsscans und Dokumentenklassifizierung. Sie kann große Mengen von Dokumenten verarbeiten, die von jedem Hochgeschwindigkeitsscanner und MFP (Multifunktionsperipheriegerät) kommen. Die Dokumente, die Sie mit IRISPowerscan™ verarbeiten, können vollständig indexiert, hyperkomprimiert, in eine Vielzahl editierbarer und textdurchsuchbarer Ausgabeformate konvertiert und an jedes DMS (Dokumentenmanagementsystem), ECM (Enterprise Content Management) oder Cloud-System gesendet werden, das Sie möglicherweise bereits verwenden. Mit anderen Worten: IRISPowerscan™ wandelt Papierdokumente in strukturiertes Wissen um, das leicht zugänglich ist.


Größe: 688 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/MSI
Plattform: Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Katfile

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