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Patrick Cowley



Dabei seit
18 Jan. 2023
Patrick Cowley - (Diskografie) - [1976 - 2020]



-|- Hoster: RG.net & DDL.com -|- Size: 5,54 GB -|- Format: .mp3 -|- Genre: Disco, Euro House -|- Dateityp: WinRAR-Archiv (.rar) -|- Bitrate: 128-320 kbit/s -|- PW: residents -|-
Patrick Joseph Cowley (* 19. Oktober 1950 in Buffalo, New York; † 12. November 1982 in San Francisco, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Disco- und Hi-NRG-Musikproduzent. In einem Atemzug mit Giorgio Moroder wird Cowley als einer der Pioniere der elektronischen Tanzmusik gefeiert.


CD Albums
1976 - Patrick Cowley & Jorge Socarras - Catholic (CD, MACRO M14 Reissue 2009) (320):
1981 - Menergy --The Fusion Album-- (CD, Unidisc SPLK-7040, Reissue 2005 3rd pressing, slipcased) (320):
1982 - Mind Warp (CD, Unidisc SPLK-7053, Reissue 2005 3rd pressing, slipcased) (320):
1982 - Mind Warp (CD, Archie-ARC, Reissue 2005) (320):
1987 - Megatron Man (CD, Unidisc SPLK-7052, Reissue 2005 3rd pressing, slipcased) (320):
1991 - Megatron Man (CD, Reissue, Megatone Records - CD-1030 USA) (320):
1992 - Menergy (CD, Unidisc SPLK-7040) (320):

CD Compilations
1988 - 12 By 12 - The Patrick Cowley Collection (CD, Megatone Records ?– CD-1024 USA) (320):
1990 - The Ultimate Collection (CD, Unidisc - SPLK-8023 Canada) (320):
1990 - The Ultimate Collection (CD, Unidisc - SPLK-8023 Canada, Reissue 2010 3rd pressing, Digipak) (320):
1992 - Greatest Hits Dance Party (CD, Compilation Mixed, Unidisc - SPLK-7051 Canada) (320):
1992 - Greatest Hits Dance Party(CD, Compilation Mixed, Unidisc - SPLK-7051 Canada, Reissue 2005 3rd pressing, slipcased) (320):
1993 - Giorgio Moroder & Patrick Cowley - From Here To Eternity ][ Invasion ][ Mind Warp (CD, Compilation, Unidisc SP5-1600 Canada) (320):
2013 - School Daze (CD, Compilation, Dark Entries - DE-052 USA) (320):
2015 - Muscle Up
2017 - Afternooners
2019 - Mechanical Fantasy Box
2020 - Some Funkettes

CD Singles
1983 - Megatron Man Menergy (Maxi-Single)(Unidisc - SP5-1554 Canada 1993) (320):
1983 - Tech-No-Logical World; Right On Target (Maxi-Single)(Unidisc SP5-1458 Canada 1993) (320):

Vinyl, LP Album
1981 - Megatron Man (Vinyl, LP Album, Metronome 0060.504 Germany) (320):
1981 - Menergy (Vinyl, LP Album, Black Scorpio-SCM 19.301 , France 1981) (320):
1982 - Mind Warp (Vinyl, LP Album, CBS-CBS 25144, France 1982) (320):
1982 - Mind Warp (Vinyl, LP Album, Megatone Records-M-1004 USA 1982) (320):
1983 - Greatest Hits (Vinyl, LP Album, Ariola Benelux 205.962, Netherlands 1983) (320):

Vinyl, 12" RPM, Maxi-Single
1981 - Megatron Man (Vinyl, 12" 45 RPM, Metronome-0930.059 Germany 1981) (320):
1981 - Menergy & I Wanna Take You Home (Vinyl, 12" 33 RPM , Fusion Records FPSF 003, USA 1981) (320):
1981 - Menergy (Vinyl, 12 33 RPM, Maxi-Single, Black Scorpio SCM 12.1234, France 1981) (320):
1982 - Patrick Cowley & Sylvester - Do You Wanna Funk (Vinyl, 12 45 RPM, Megatone Records-MT 102 USA 1982) (320):
1982 - Paul Parker - Right On Target [Produced & Written by Patrick Cowley] (Vinyl, 12 45 RPM, Megatone Records-MT101 USA 1982) (320):
1983 - Goin Home [Produced by Patrick Cowley] (Vinyl Single, 12 45 RPM, Megatone Records-MT 104 USA 1983) (256-320):
1983 - Homenaje A Patrick Cowley (Vinyl, 12 33 RPM, Mixed, Gamma D 33-100, Mexico 1983) (320):
1983 - Sarah Dash - Lucky Tonight [Produced by Patrick Cowley] (Vinyl, 12, EP, 45 RPM, Megatone Records-MT-112 , USA 1983) (160-256):
2006 - Danceflor Classics 1 (2 x Vinyl, 12 33 RPM, Not On Label (Patrick Cowley) – PCL001, UK ) (320):
2009 - Patrick Cowley & Jorge Socarras - Burn Brighter Flame (Vinyl 12 33 RPM, Macro MACRO M15, Germany 2009) (320):
2009 - Patrick Cowley & Jorge Socarras - Soon (Vinyl, 12, 33 RPM, MACRO M13, Germany) (320):

Remixes & Megamixes Compilations
1982 - Donna Summer - I Feel Love & I Feel MegaLove (The Patrick Cowley Megamix 1978) (320):
2000 - Especial de Patrick Cowley de Stereo 100 (128):
Other Alleged Patrick Cowley Involvement (The Collection 1979-1984) (128-192):
Patrick Cowley Productions Vol.1 - 1981-1988 (320):
Special Bonus Tracks (Megamix & Mix DJ Compilations 1984-2011) (46-320):


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